Snodgrass Family First Ever 4-H Fair Experience

Pawnee County 4-H Fair


This July we were fortunate enough to have our Snodgrass Family 4-H experience! We headed home on Wednesday morning from our vacation in Colorado so we could be at the fairgrounds at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday. Let’s just say that we were pretty sleepy that morning and didn’t want to wake up! We did make it to the fairgrounds by 8:00 and we had to give Kaylyn’s goat a bath. I don’t know if you have ever given a goat a bath, but it’s safe to say that it really isn’t that much fun!

Since this was our first year, we didn’t really know what to expect, but Kaylyn did an amazing job with her goat. She acted like she has been doing this forever. We were so proud of her! One of the rules is that you have to keep the goat between you and the judge at all times. It’s kind of funny, because you can tell that the judge likes to try to trick the kids up. You can tell which kids are really paying attention to the judges every move. Kaylyn was one of the kids that really watched the judge and it was so cute to see her moving around her goat.  It’s fun to see how all of the hard work of taking care of the goat finally paid off when we saw Kaylyn’s smiling face.

Additionally, because this was her first year she received a very special award. A local family donates the feed tub to first year kids in honor of a family member they lost. We are so fortunate to live in an amazing community and have so many great people here. This family is a perfect example of why we love our town!

In closing, I will say that if you have a 4-H program available for your kids that you should really consider signing up. It is a lot of work, but in the end it is totally worth it. The kids learn a lot, but the parents do to.

Family vacation

July has been a very busy month for the Snodgrass Familyfamily vacation

Towards the end of July, we went on a family vacation and had to be back in time for the 4-H fair. Talk about a busy month! We realized it had been 8 years since the last time our family took a real vacation and knew that it was time! Some friends of ours invited us to tag along to Cachura, CO and we jumped at the opportunity.

We left on Friday evening after work and headed out for our six hour drive. We decided to leave after work in hopes that Haydyn would decide to sleep along the way. Wrong! That sweet little toddler is just like her mama and can’t sleep in a vehicle! I have to say she really did a great job on the way there. We had a few things to entertain her with and she stayed pretty happy most of the way.

The only bad part about traveling to the mountains in the dark is that you can’t see how gorgeous and amazing the mountains are. We live in Kansas, so we are pretty much used to plains with very little hills. You can see for miles! So, we were rather looking forward to seeing those amazing mountains.

Once we settled into the cabin, we fell asleep with the fresh mountain breeze on our faces. When I woke up the next morning, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked out the window! WOW! It has been over 13 years since we visited Colorado and I forgot how breathtaking it is. The view was just gorgeous every direction I looked.


We had so much fun while we were there. We went hiking, watched the hummingbirds, saw lots of deer (one was even in someone’s front yard eating), did some fishing, played mini-golf and enjoyed the views. If you have never been to Colorado, I highly recommend going. There is so much to see and just smelling the air and trees is enough to make a person want to stay forever.


Flooded In, New Nephew and More!


It has been awhile since I have done a life post on what is new with us! About a month ago we had a few days of tons of rain back to back and we ended up getting flooded in to our home for a few days. We have a really long drive so lucky we are set up on a hill and it just flooded our road so we were a little stuck for around a day. Finally the water went down enough we were able to slowly drive through the standing water to get out! I think we got a total of around 7 inches of rain. I wouldn’t have that that rain would have caused so much overflow but it did. All the rain and running over the road for days really washed them out, so they are still a bit rough to drive down!


We also welcomed to the world our newest nephew, Lane! He truly is a doll and so cuddly! We already have 9 nieces and nephews and two who are in heaven. It is really fun to watch them all grow up and see the personalities they have. We are truly blessed!

My mom also came to visit for the weekend, Clay loved it. We don’t get to see her to often so he really enjoys it when she comes!

Life has been a bit busy around here but we are enjoying every minute of it! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

What Has Been Happening at the Apley Home!

Whats Been Going On in Our Neck of the Woods Clay and Daddy

I thought it would be fun to do an update on what has been going on in the Apley household! Since this is a new blog, most won’t know our son was diagnosed at 1 week old with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It is life threatening genetic disease. We were completely shocked when we found out  and we almost lost him, but now he is 7 months old and thriving! He is steroid dependent for life, in order to maintain a healthy life, and we are taking it day by day on how he will react to things as he gets older! We are so blessed that he is doing so well, and we can’t wait to see what happens with each new day! He truly is such a little blessing and we love watching his personality grow! 

Family Fun

Minnesota Family

We had family come down from Minnesota to meet Clay for the first time a few weeks back. It was nice to see them and have them stay with us for a few days. We did a lot of good eating while they were here, and I think I am still a little full from it! Haha, but it was a nice trip, and it was fun to meet baby Eli for the first time! 


Then my cousin and her family came down last weekend, and we went over to my sisters house for a bbq, and family fun! It was such a beautiful day, we spent a lot of the time outside soaking up the sun!

I am so excited it is warmer weather and we can get out and enjoy things! Tomorrow we are off to Salina to do some shopping with Clay, it will be his first big outting!