VTech Light and Move Learning Ball Get your Baby Moving!
My sister gave me this Vtech Light and Move Learning Ball for Clay when her daughter was done playing with it! I wanted to do the short video so you could see the ball and all that it does, by moving around, lighting up and singing to Clay! He has really loved this ball, it is great for babies- ages of 6 months to 3 years!
VTech Light and Move Learning Ball, Red
As you can see in the video this ball does roll very well on our carpet, it doesn’t seem to get caught or anything which is nice! Also our ball only speaks in English, I know some might be looking for a ball for Spanish or another language.
This Vtech Light and Move Learning Ball is great for teaching babies to crawl and to learn motor skills. Clay got this ball right when he was beginning to crawl! When he would see the ball moving around and lighting up, he was drawn to it! It gave him a drive to try and crawl to the ball. Now if your baby isn’t crawling yet, this could give them the boost they need to want to reach the fun ball! It is very interactive, which I love!
Vtech Move and Learn Ball
Clay’s favorite part on this move and learn ball is the little chicken on the top! If you watch the video it moves around in a circle when a button is pushed, and it lights up under it. He is so drawn to it, he loves holding on to the chicken as it sings the songs!
We have found this is a win for us, and I thought maybe other babies out there might enjoy it light we have! I hope if you buy one, you all enjoy it as well!

Interested in buying the Vtech Light and Move ball, then click here to buy!