I use my crockpot a lot, it makes life easier to toss stuff in, turn to low and leave for the day, then dinner is made for the night. But, I have began to venture out and try new recipes that are desserts like this crockpot rice pudding! It is really delicious and I love the hint of vanilla and cinnamon in it. Really hits your taste buds nicely! Growing up we ate rice and raisins a lot for breakfast, and had rice pudding here and there, it was always a treat. I wanted to make this and see what Clay thought, cause I love having memories of my past to be able to carry on to Clay!
The rice pudding turned out amazing and when it was done I spooned into individual containers and served it nice and warm. I love to dust it with a little cinnamon on top, it adds a new dimension of flavor to it, and looks really pretty! This recipe is really good. Now it isn’t very creamy, it is more milky, you want that milk mixture in your bites because it is full of sweetness! I think if it were cooked in the oven, you would get that creamy flavor but crockpot cooking always changes the texture of foods, I have found.
Clay found this recipe to be a winner, he actually was wanting more of it. It was a little surprising as he tends to be a little indifferent with new foods, so I take this as a win! I will for sure be making the recipe over and over through the years, it will be an easy recipe to teach Clay to do when he gets older!
Rice Pudding Recipe
- 2 Cups Minute Rice
- 5 Cups Milk ( I prefer whole milk)
- 1 tbs
- 1tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- First off you want to take the butter and rub it around the side and bottom of the crockpot, set the leftover butter to the side.
- Then pour in all the ingredients except leftover butter and stir gently. Cut up the leftover butter and place on top of the mixture.
- Turn the crockpot to low, and let cook 3-4 hours. You will know it is ready when the rice is cooked.
- Serve, with a sprinkle of cinnamon if you would prefer.

So quick and easy for prep time, and it doesn’t take that long to cook. It makes your house smell amazing. I do recommend this yummy recipe to all those who love rice! I think you will enjoy the flavors and ease of making it!