“C is for Cookie and Cookie is for me!” – Cookie Monster
I am all about these quick and easy moist monster cookies! I was oblivious to the whole thing called a monster cookie, till my sister, Felicia introduced me! They are absolutely heavenly and I am now officially addicted! These cookies are nice and moist and do have a little crunch around the edges, but the center is nice and chewy!
To get a moist cookie, I can share the recipe but a main point is make sure to pay attention to the baking time. If you over-cook them they will not be moist! So pay attention to the time when they are baking, and they should come out perfect!
Have you guys tried these baking mats?! I have found they work extremely well when making cookies and such! They are silicone mats so no need for Aluminium Foil, Parchment Paper, sprays or oil depending what you use them for!
The other tip I will share if you want M&M’s to be on the top of the cookie like pictured here, after you lay the cookies onto the baking sheet, slightly push a few M&M’s in and they will look like this! It just adds a fun new element of look to the cookie!
Quick and Easy Monster Cookies the Family Will Love
- 2 Cups All Purpose Flour
- 1 1/2 cups Quick Oats
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Granulated Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter (Feel free to use creamy or crunchy, whichever you prefer)
- 1 Egg
- 1 Egg Yolk
- 3/4 Cup Softened Butter (I prefer butter over margarine)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 Cup Milk Chocolate Chips
- 1 Cup M&M's + Some extra for topping them
- First preheat oven to 350 degrees. Next take a small bowl, combined the flour, oats, and baking soda and salt together and set aside.
- Then in my KitchenAid Stand Mixer (you can use a hand mixer or spatula) I added the softened butter and peanut butter together. I mixed them till they were pretty smooth.
- Next I added in the brown sugar, and granulated sugar. Once that was well incorporated, I added in the whole egg and the egg yolk and vanilla.
- Next I slowly added the flour and oat mixture, until well combined.
- Then with a spatula I folded in the chocolate chips and M&M's.
- Then I put the dough into balls and placed on greased cookie sheet. I then took some extra M&M's I had and placed a few on top of each cookie, just to add some dimension to the cookies. That is optional, you don't have to do this part.
- Bake cookies for around 8-10 minutes or until they are light brown. If you prefer a softer cookie bake less, or a crunchier cookie bake a little longer. Just go with how you normally prefer your cookies.

As you can see they are very quick to whip up! I know for me, sometimes I think I don’t have time for baking so I don’t! BUT when I do bake if time allows I enjoy it and am so thankful I did!
I hope you love these delicious cookies, and your family and friends as well.. if you decide to share that is!!!
I ended up freezing some of them, and they froze and then thawed great, no issues! So if you want to make these up and freeze them once cooled, it works perfectly!